• Do not change /time or /weather unless absolutely necessary (do not change /time or /weather by request of players).
  • Mod's caught using /god or /heal for personal use will be demoted, /god & /heal is only to be use while helping players.
  • If a player asks for help, you must help that player as soon as you can.
  • If you catch a player using flyhacks/speed mods/disrespecting use the /warn {name} {text} command (3 warns = BAN)
  • If you catch a player spawning items/SERVERELY greifing another players building /ban instantly.


You will need to read this and read this carefully, get to know the commands! this is absolutely necessary, you must know this! this is a powerful tool and if used wrong, can cause serious problems.

  • /bb log - Any tree log in your inventory will become the BigBrother Multipurpose Tool. Hit something with it to see changes in that spot, and place it if the block you're check is non-solid, like water, lava or air.
  • /bb done - When you are finished checking.
  • Want to check an entire area? Use /bb here to list who changed what!
  • Need to roll back EvilGuy and DoucheBug's edits? Use /bb rollback EvilGuy DoucheBug!
    • Have to roll back edits up to 5 minutes ago? Simple! /bb rollback t:5m
    • Need to only roll back within a certain radius? /bb rollback r:<radius-in-blocks>
    • Roll back specific actions with /bb rollback a:10,BLOCK_PLACE
  • If you screw up, /bb undo
  • (NEW) /bb history "Suspicious Guyto see that player's recent history! (add pg:# to go to page #) 
  • Mow your lawn with /bb mowlawn!


  • /report list - List the number of submitted reports.
  • /report view <#> - View reports by number.
  • /report <delete/remove> <#> - Delete a specific record, the # is the number corresponding to the report index which will be an integer, 1 or higher.

Once a report has been submitted you must check it out asap. once the problem is resolved, please delete the report. (important)


  • /warn {playername} {warning text} - Warn a player.
  • /warnings {playername} CASE SENSITIVE - Check the warnings of a player. If no playername is specified, it checks for your own warnings


- teleport back to your last position
/ban - ban a player
/banip - ban an ip
/unban - unban a player/unbanip - unban an ip
/tempban - temporarily ban a player use {/tempban jimbobjoe 10m} bans player jimbobjoe for 10mins.
/kick - kick a player
/mute - mute a player
/broadcast - broadcast a message to the server
/burn - burn a player
/ext - extinguish a player
/clearinventory - clear your inventory
/clearintentory {name} - clear another players inventory
/getpos - get your current co-ords
/god - Godmode
/invsee {name} - see another players inventory (type /invsee again to restore your inventory)
/lightning - Zap
/time - change the time of day
/tp {name} teleport to a player {/tp soulreaver797 jimbobjoe} teleports soulreaver797 to jimbobjoe
/tree - creates a tree
/weather - sun or rain
/butcher - removes all mobs,animals within a radius
/thru - go through walls
/snow - creates snow
/thaw - removes snow